Source code for malcolm.modules.builtin.controllers.proxycontroller

import functools
from typing import Optional

from annotypes import Anno

from malcolm.core import (

from ..util import wait_for_stateful_block_init
from .basiccontroller import AMri, BasicController
from .clientcomms import ClientComms

with Anno("Malcolm resource id of client comms"):
    AComms = str
with Anno("Whether to re-publish this block via server comms"):
    APublish = bool

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
AMri = AMri

[docs]class ProxyController(BasicController): """Sync a local block with a given remote block""" def __init__(self, mri: AMri, comms: AComms, publish: APublish = False) -> None: super().__init__(mri) self.comms = comms self.publish = publish self.client_comms: Optional[ClientComms] = None"Uninitialized", alarm=Alarm.invalid("Uninitialized")) # Hooks self.register_hooked(ProcessStartHook, self.init) def init(self) -> UUnpublishedInfos: assert self.process, "No attached process" self.client_comms = self.process.get_controller(self.comms) # Wait until connected context = Context(self.process) wait_for_stateful_block_init(context, self.comms) # Tell the client comms to sync our block for us self.client_comms.sync_proxy(self.mri, self._block) if not self.publish: return UnpublishedInfo(self.mri) else: return None def get_post_function(self, method_name): return functools.partial(self.client_comms.send_post, self.mri, method_name) def get_put_function(self, attribute_name): return functools.partial(self.client_comms.send_put, self.mri, attribute_name) def check_field_writeable(self, field): # Let the server do this pass def update_method_logs( self, method, took_value, took_ts, returned_value, returned_alarm ): # Let the server do this pass