Source code for

from typing import Any

from annotypes import Anno

from malcolm.core import Part, PartRegistrar, Port, StringMeta
from malcolm.modules import ca

with Anno("Source Port type"):
    APortType = Port

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName = ca.util.APartName
AMetaDescription = ca.util.AMetaDescription
ARbv = ca.util.ARbv
AGroup = ca.util.AGroup

[docs]class AsynSourcePortPart(Part): """Defines a string `Attribute` representing a asyn port that should be depicted as an Source Port on a Block""" def __init__( self, name: APartName, description: AMetaDescription, rbv: ARbv, port_type: APortType, group: AGroup = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name) self.port_type = port_type self.meta = StringMeta(description) self.caa = ca.util.CAAttribute( self.meta, ca.util.catools.DBR_STRING, rbv=rbv, group=group, on_connect=self.update_tags, ) def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: self.caa.setup(registrar,, self.register_hooked) def update_tags(self, value: Any) -> None: # Add the Source Port tags old_tags = self.meta.tags new_tags = self.port_type.with_source_port_tag(old_tags, connected_value=value) if old_tags != new_tags: self.meta.set_tags(new_tags)