Source code for

from annotypes import add_call_types

from malcolm.core import Context, PartRegistrar
from malcolm.modules import ADCore, builtin, scanning

[docs]@builtin.util.no_save("numImagesPerSeries") class EigerDriverPart( """Overrides default AD behaviour because the Eiger AD support does not count frames when Odin is consuming the frames.""" def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PostRunReadyHook, self.on_post_run_ready) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PostRunArmedHook, self.on_post_run_armed) def arm_detector(self, context: Context) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.numImagesPerSeries.put_value(1) super().arm_detector(context) # Wait for the fan to be ready before returning from configure child.when_value_matches("fanStateReady", 1)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_run(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: # this override removes the subscription to the array counter # which is never updated by Eiger pass
[docs] @add_call_types def on_post_run_ready(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: # currently the AD support does not know how many frames the detector # has taken and never finishes the Acquire. We know that the file # writer has completed at post run so stop the AD Acquisition child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.stop() context.wait_all_futures(self.start_future)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_post_run_armed(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: # Stop the acquisition as per post_run_ready # TODO: this should call configure too, will fail for 3D scans at # present child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.stop() context.wait_all_futures(self.start_future)