Source code for

import os
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET

from annotypes import Anno, Array, add_call_types
from scanpointgenerator import CompoundGenerator

from malcolm.compat import et_to_string
from malcolm.core import (
from malcolm.modules import builtin, scanning
from malcolm.modules.scanning.infos import ExposureDeadtimeInfo
from import ADetectorFramesPerStep

from ..infos import FilePathTranslatorInfo, NDArrayDatasetInfo, NDAttributeDatasetInfo
from ..util import (

with Anno("Minimum acquire period the detector is capable of"):
    AMinAcquirePeriod = float
with Anno("Is main detector dataset useful to publish in DatasetTable?"):
    AMainDatasetUseful = bool
with Anno("List of trigger modes that do not use hardware triggers"):
    ASoftTriggerModes = Union[Array[str]]
USoftTriggerModes = Union[ASoftTriggerModes, Sequence[str]]
with Anno("Name of image mode for taking multiple images"):
    AMultipleImageMode = str

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
AMri =

# We will set these attributes on the child block, so don't save them
[docs]@builtin.util.no_save( "acquirePeriod", "arrayCallbacks", "arrayCounter", "attributesFile", "exposure", "imageMode", "numImages", ) class DetectorDriverPart( def __init__( self, name: APartName, mri: AMri, soft_trigger_modes: USoftTriggerModes = None, multiple_image_mode: AMultipleImageMode = "Multiple", main_dataset_useful: AMainDatasetUseful = True, runs_on_windows: APartRunsOnWindows = False, required_version: AVersionRequirement = None, min_acquire_period: AMinAcquirePeriod = 0.0, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, mri) self.required_version = required_version self.min_acquire_period = min_acquire_period self.soft_trigger_modes = soft_trigger_modes self.multiple_image_mode = multiple_image_mode self.is_hardware_triggered = True self.main_dataset_useful = main_dataset_useful self.attributes_filename = "" self.extra_attributes = TableMeta.from_table( ExtraAttributesTable, "Extra attributes to be added to the dataset", writeable=[ "name", "pv", "description", "sourceId", "sourceType", "dataType", "datasetType", ], extra_tags=[config_tag()], ).create_attribute_model() self.runs_on_windows = runs_on_windows # How long to wait between frame updates before error self.frame_timeout = 0.0 # When arrayCounter gets to here we are done self.done_when_reaches = 0 # CompletedSteps = arrayCounter + self.uniqueid_offset self.uniqueid_offset = 0 # A future that completes when detector start calls back self.start_future: Optional[Future] = None def setup_detector( self, context: Context, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, num_images: int, duration: float, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, initial_configure: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) if initial_configure: # This is an initial configure, so reset arrayCounter to 0 array_counter = 0 self.done_when_reaches = steps_to_do else: # This is rewinding or setting up for another batch, # skip to a uniqueID that has not been produced yet array_counter = self.done_when_reaches self.done_when_reaches += steps_to_do self.uniqueid_offset = completed_steps - array_counter for k, v in dict( arrayCounter=array_counter, imageMode=self.multiple_image_mode, numImages=num_images, arrayCallbacks=True, ).items(): if k not in kwargs and k in child: kwargs[k] = v child.put_attribute_values(kwargs) # Might need to reset acquirePeriod as it's sometimes wrong # in some detectors try: info: ExposureDeadtimeInfo = ExposureDeadtimeInfo.filter_single_value( part_info ) except BadValueError: # This is ok, no exposure info pass else: exposure = kwargs.get("exposure", info.calculate_exposure(duration)) child.acquirePeriod.put_value(exposure + info.readout_time) def arm_detector(self, context: Context) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) self.start_future = child.start_async() child.when_value_matches("acquiring", True, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) def wait_for_detector( self, context: Context, registrar: PartRegistrar, event_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.arrayCounterReadback.subscribe_value( self.update_completed_steps, registrar ) # Wait for the array counter to reach the desired value. If any one frame takes # more than event_timeout to appear, consider scan dead child.when_value_matches( "arrayCounterReadback", self.done_when_reaches, event_timeout=event_timeout, ) def abort_detector(self, context: Context) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.stop() # Stop is a put to a busy record which returns immediately # The detector might take a while to actually stop so use the # acquiring pv (which is the same asyn parameter as the busy record # that stop() pokes) to check that it has finished child.when_value_matches("acquiring", False, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) def update_completed_steps(self, value: int, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: completed_steps = value + self.uniqueid_offset def build_attribute_xml(self): root_el = ET.Element("Attributes") for index, s_type in enumerate(self.extra_attributes.value.sourceType): if s_type == SourceType.PV: dbr_type = self.extra_attributes.value.dataType[index] if dbr_type == DataType.INT: dbr_type = "DBR_LONG" elif dbr_type == DataType.DOUBLE: dbr_type = "DBR_DOUBLE" elif dbr_type == DataType.STRING: dbr_type = "DBR_STRING" else: dbr_type = dbr_type.value ET.SubElement( root_el, "Attribute",[index], type="EPICS_PV", dbrtype=dbr_type, description=self.extra_attributes.value.description[index], source=self.extra_attributes.value.sourceId[index], ) elif s_type == SourceType.PARAM: ET.SubElement( root_el, "Attribute",[index], type="PARAM", datatype=self.extra_attributes.value.dataType[index].value, description=self.extra_attributes.value.description[index], source=self.extra_attributes.value.sourceId[index], ) return et_to_string(root_el) def set_extra_attributes(self, value): for row, _ in enumerate( if value.sourceType[row] == SourceType.PARAM: if value.dataType[row] == DataType.DBRNATIVE: raise ValueError( "data type DBR_NATIVE invalid for asyn param attribute" ) self.extra_attributes.set_value(value) def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.ReportStatusHook, self.on_report_status) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.ValidateHook, self.on_validate) registrar.hook( scanning.hooks.ConfigureHook, self.on_configure, self.configure_args_with_exposure, ) registrar.hook( scanning.hooks.SeekHook, self.on_seek, self.configure_args_with_exposure, ) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.RunHook, self.on_run) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PostRunArmedHook, self.on_post_run_armed) registrar.hook( (scanning.hooks.PauseHook, scanning.hooks.AbortHook), self.on_abort ) # Attributes registrar.add_attribute_model( "attributesToCapture", self.extra_attributes, self.set_extra_attributes ) # Tell the controller to pass "exposure" and "frames_per_step" to configure info = scanning.infos.ConfigureParamsInfo( metas=dict( frames_per_step=NumberMeta.from_annotype( ADetectorFramesPerStep, writeable=False ), ), required=[], defaults=dict(frames_per_step=1), )
[docs] @add_call_types def on_validate( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, frames_per_step: ADetectorFramesPerStep = 1, ) -> scanning.hooks.UParameterTweakInfos: # Check if we have a minimum acquire period if self.required_version is not None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) check_driver_version(child.driverVersion.value, self.required_version) if self.min_acquire_period > 0.0: duration = generator.duration # Check if we need to guess the generator duration if duration == 0.0: # Use the minimum acquire period as an estimate of readout time. We # also need to multiple by frames_per_step as the DetectorChildPart # divides the generator down to the duration for a single detector # frame. duration = self.min_acquire_period * frames_per_step serialized = generator.to_dict() new_generator = CompoundGenerator.from_dict(serialized) new_generator.duration = duration self.log.debug( f"{}: tweaking generator duration from " f"{generator.duration} to {duration}" ) return scanning.hooks.ParameterTweakInfo("generator", new_generator) # Otherwise check the provided duration is long enough else: assert generator.duration >= self.min_acquire_period, ( f"Duration {generator.duration} per frame is less than minimum " f"acquire period {self.min_acquire_period}s" ) return None return None
[docs] @add_call_types def on_reset(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: super().on_reset(context) self.abort_detector(context) # Delete the layout XML file if self.attributes_filename and os.path.isfile(self.attributes_filename): os.remove(self.attributes_filename) child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.attributesFile.put_value("")
[docs] @add_call_types def on_report_status(self) -> scanning.hooks.UInfos: ret: List[Info] = [] if self.main_dataset_useful: ret.append(NDArrayDatasetInfo(rank=2)) for name, dataset_type in zip(, self.extra_attributes.value.datasetType ): ret.append( NDAttributeDatasetInfo.from_attribute_type( name=name, attr=name, type=dataset_type ) ) return ret
def configure_args_with_exposure(self, keys): need_keys = list(self.on_configure.call_types) if "exposure" in keys: need_keys.append("exposure") return need_keys # Allow CamelCase as fileDir parameter will be serialized # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_seek( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, fileDir: scanning.hooks.AFileDir, breakpoints: scanning.controllers.ABreakpoints = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: context.unsubscribe_all() # If detector is hardware triggered, and we aren't using breakpoints, we can # configure the detector for all frames now. This is instead of configuring and # arming the detector for each inner scan, so we save some time if self.is_hardware_triggered and not breakpoints: num_images = generator.size - completed_steps else: num_images = steps_to_do # Set up the detector self.setup_detector( context, completed_steps, steps_to_do, num_images, generator.duration, part_info, initial_configure=False, **kwargs, ) # Start now if we are hardware triggered if self.is_hardware_triggered: self.arm_detector(context)
# Allow CamelCase as fileDir parameter will be serialized # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, fileDir: scanning.hooks.AFileDir, breakpoints: scanning.controllers.ABreakpoints = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: context.unsubscribe_all() child = context.block_view(self.mri) # Calculate how long to wait before marking this scan as stalled self.frame_timeout = FRAME_TIMEOUT if generator.duration > 0: self.frame_timeout += generator.duration else: # Double it to be safe self.frame_timeout += FRAME_TIMEOUT # If detector can be soft triggered, then we might need to defer # starting it until run. Check triggerMode to find out if self.soft_trigger_modes: mode = child.triggerMode.value self.is_hardware_triggered = mode not in self.soft_trigger_modes # If detector is hardware triggered, and we aren't using breakpoints, we can # configure the detector for all frames now. This is instead of configuring and # arming the detector for each inner scan, so we save some time if self.is_hardware_triggered and not breakpoints: num_images = generator.size - completed_steps else: num_images = steps_to_do # Set up the detector self.setup_detector( context, completed_steps, steps_to_do, num_images, generator.duration, part_info, **kwargs, ) # Tell detector to store NDAttributes if table given if len(self.extra_attributes.value.sourceId) > 0: attribute_xml = self.build_attribute_xml() self.attributes_filename = make_xml_filename(fileDir, self.mri) with open(self.attributes_filename, "w") as xml: xml.write(attribute_xml) assert hasattr(child, "attributesFile"), ( "Block doesn't have 'attributesFile' attribute " "(was it instantiated properly with adbase_parts?)" ) attributes_filename = self.attributes_filename if self.runs_on_windows: attributes_filename = FilePathTranslatorInfo.translate_filepath( part_info, self.attributes_filename ) child.attributesFile.put_value(attributes_filename) # Start now if we are hardware triggered if self.is_hardware_triggered: self.arm_detector(context)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_run(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: if not self.is_hardware_triggered: # Start now if we are software triggered self.arm_detector(context) assert self.registrar, "No assigned registrar" self.log.debug(f"{self.mri}: Done when reaches: {self.done_when_reaches}") self.wait_for_detector( context, self.registrar, event_timeout=self.frame_timeout )
[docs] @add_call_types def on_post_run_armed( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, breakpoints: scanning.controllers.ABreakpoints = None, ) -> None: # We may need to set up the detector again based on two conditions: # - breakpoints can be an uneven number of steps # - if pause has been called for a software-triggered detector which # will set a different number of steps to do if breakpoints or not self.is_hardware_triggered: self.setup_detector( context, completed_steps, steps_to_do, steps_to_do, generator.duration, part_info, initial_configure=False, ) if self.is_hardware_triggered: # We can now re-arm hardware-triggered detectors self.arm_detector(context) # Otherwise if we have hardware triggers and no breakpoints then # seek should have set up the correct number of images for the # remainder of the scan and we do not need to re-arm else: self.done_when_reaches += steps_to_do
[docs] @add_call_types def on_abort(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: self.abort_detector(context)