Source code for malcolm.core.response

from typing import Any

from annotypes import Anno, FrozenOrderedDict, Serializable, serialize_object

with Anno("ID that the Request was sent with"):
    AId = int
with Anno("Return value of the request"):
    AValue = Any
with Anno("Error message exception"):
    AMessage = Exception
with Anno("List of [[path], value] pairs for changed values"):
    AChanges = Any

[docs]class Response(Serializable): """Represents a response to a Request""" __slots__ = ["id"] def __init__(self, id: AId = 0) -> None: = id
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Return:1.0") class Return(Response): """Represents a return from a Put or Post""" __slots__ = ["value"] def __init__(self, id: AId = 0, value: AValue = None) -> None: super().__init__(id) self.value = value
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Error:1.0") class Error(Response): """Create an Error Response object with the provided parameters""" __slots__ = ["message"] def __init__(self, id: AId = 0, message: AMessage = Exception("")) -> None: super().__init__(id) self.message = message
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Update:1.0") class Update(Response): """Create an Update Response object with the provided parameters""" __slots__ = ["value"] def __init__(self, id: AId = 0, value: AValue = None) -> None: super().__init__(id) self.value = value
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Delta:1.0") class Delta(Response): """Create a Delta Response object with the provided parameters""" __slots__ = ["changes"] def __init__(self, id: AId = 0, changes: AChanges = None) -> None: super().__init__(id) self.changes = changes def to_dict(self, dict_cls=FrozenOrderedDict): d = super().to_dict(dict_cls) # Serialize doesn't know to recurse here as it's not typed, so do it # here for change in d["changes"]: if len(change) == 2: change[1] = serialize_object(change[1], dict_cls) return d