Source code for malcolm.core.part

import re
from typing import (

from annotypes import Anno

from malcolm.compat import OrderedDict

from .camel import CAMEL_RE
from .context import Context
from .hook import Hook, Hookable
from .info import Info
from .models import AttributeModel, MethodMeta, MethodModel
from .request import Request

T = TypeVar("T")

Field = Union[AttributeModel, MethodModel]
FieldDict = Dict[object, List[Tuple[str, Field, Callable, bool]]]
Info_co = TypeVar("Info_co", covariant=True, bound=Info)
object_co = TypeVar("object_co", covariant=True)
Callback = Callable[[object_co, Info_co], None]
Hooked = Callable[..., T]
ArgsGen = Callable[[List[str]], List[str]]

with Anno("The name of the Part within the Controller"):
    APartName = str

# Part names are alphanumeric with underscores and dashes. Dots not allowed as
# web gui uses dot as "something that can't appear in field or part names"
PART_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z_\-0-9]*$")

class FieldRegistry:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.fields: FieldDict = OrderedDict()

    def get_field(self, name: str) -> Field:
        for fields in self.fields.values():
            for n, field, _, _ in fields:
                if n == name:
                    return field
        raise ValueError(f"No field named {name} found")

    def add_method_model(
        func: Callable,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        owner: object = None,
        needs_context: bool = False,
    ) -> MethodModel:
        """Register a function to be added to the block"""
        if name is None:
            name = func.__name__
        without: Union[Tuple[str], Tuple[()]]
        if needs_context:
            call_types = getattr(func, "call_types", {})
            context_anno: Anno = call_types.get("context", None)
            assert context_anno, (
                f"Func {func} needs_context, but has no 'context' anno. Did "
                "you forget the @add_call_types decorator?"
            assert list(call_types)[0] == "context", (
                f"Func {func} needs_context, so 'context' needs to be the first "
                "argument it takes"
            assert context_anno.typ is Context, (
                f"Func {func} needs_context, but 'context' has type "
                f"{context_anno.type} rather than Context"
            without = ("context",)
            without = ()
        method = MethodModel(
            meta=MethodMeta.from_callable(func, description, without_takes=without)
        self._add_field(owner, name, method, func, needs_context)
        return method

    def add_attribute_model(
        name: str,
        attr: AttributeModel,
        writeable_func: Optional["Callable"] = None,
        owner: object = None,
        needs_context: bool = False,
    ) -> AttributeModel:
        self._add_field(owner, name, attr, writeable_func, needs_context)
        return attr

    def _add_field(
        owner: object,
        name: str,
        model: Field,
        writeable_func: Optional["Callable"] = None,
        needs_context: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        assert CAMEL_RE.match(
        ), f"Field {name!r} published by {owner} is not camelCase"
        for o, fields in self.fields.items():
            existing = [x for x in fields if x[0] == name]
            assert (
                not existing
            ), f"Field {name!r} published by {owner} would overwrite one made by {o}"
        part_fields = self.fields.setdefault(owner, [])
        part_fields.append((name, model, cast(Callable, writeable_func), needs_context))

class InfoRegistry:
    def __init__(self):
        self._reportable_infos: Dict[Type[Info], Callback] = {}

    def add_reportable(self, info: Type[Info], callback: Callback) -> None:
        self._reportable_infos[info] = callback

    def report(self, reporter: object, info: Info) -> None:
        typ = type(info)
            callback = self._reportable_infos[typ]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Don't know how to report a {typ.__name__}, only "
                f"{[x.__name__ for x in self._reportable_infos]}\n"
                "Did you use the wrong type of Controller?"
        callback(reporter, info)

[docs]class Part(Hookable): registrar: Optional["PartRegistrar"] = None def __init__(self, name: APartName) -> None: assert PART_NAME_RE.match(name), ( "Expected Alphanumeric part name (dashes and underscores allowed)" + f" got {name!r}" ) self.set_logger(part_name=name) str = name
[docs] def setup(self, registrar: "PartRegistrar") -> None: """Use the given `PartRegistrar` to populate the hooks and fields. This function is called for all parts in a block when the block's `Controller` is added to a `Process`""" self.registrar = registrar
[docs] def notify_dispatch_request(self, request: Request) -> None: """Will be called when a context passed to a hooked function is about to dispatch a request""" pass
[docs]class PartRegistrar: """Utility object that allows Parts to register Methods and Attributes with their parent Controller that will appear in the Block """ def __init__( self, field_registry: FieldRegistry, info_registry: InfoRegistry, part: "Part" ) -> None: self._field_registry = field_registry self._info_registry = info_registry self._part = part
[docs] def hook( self, hooks: Union[Type[Hook], Sequence[Type[Hook]]], func: Hooked, args_gen: Optional[ArgsGen] = None, ): """Register func to be run when any of the hooks are run by parent Args: hooks: A Hook class or list of Hook classes of interest func: The callable that should be run on that Hook args_gen: Optionally specify the argument names that should be passed to func. If not given then use func.call_types.keys """ # TODO: move the hook functionality here out of the part self._part.register_hooked(hooks, func, args_gen)
[docs] def add_method_model( self, func: Callable, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, needs_context: bool = False, ) -> MethodModel: """Register a function to be added to the Block as a MethodModel Args: func: The callable that will be called when the Method is called name: Override name, if None then take function __name__ description: Override description, if None take function.__doc__ needs_context: If True the "context" argument will be supplied to func with a newly created `Context` instance """ return self._field_registry.add_method_model( func, name, description, self._part, needs_context )
[docs] def add_attribute_model( self, name: str, attr: AttributeModel, writeable_func: Optional["Callable"] = None, needs_context: bool = False, ) -> AttributeModel: """Register a pre-existing AttributeModel to be added to the Block""" return self._field_registry.add_attribute_model( name, attr, writeable_func, self._part, needs_context )
[docs] def report(self, info: Info) -> None: """Report an Info to the parent Controller""", info)