Software Interface#

This page describes the software interface of the pmacFilterControl application.

Control Channel#

A ZMQ control channel is exposed on the port given in the CLI parameters. The requests that can be sent to this channel are detailed below.


All messages must have a command key. Valid commands are:




Shutdown the application


Request a status message


Configure parameters


Reset the last_*_frame counters - this is required to begin processing frame numbers from 0 again


Clear the TIMEOUT state and change into the WAITING state


Request a singleshot run to start - must be in SINGLESHOT mode and WAITING state

For example:

{"command": "shutdown"}


The configuration requests are exposed via the config command request. Config requests must contain a params key and its value must be a dictionary with at least one of the following config options:




Set the operational mode - 0: Disable, 1: Continuous, 2: Singleshot


In positions (counts) for each filter - allowed keys: "filter{1,2,3,4}"


Out positions (counts) for each filter - allowed keys: "filter{1,2,3,4}"


Thresholds for each histogram bin above which attenuation should be changed - allowed keys: threshold names, e.g.: "low1", "high2"

For example:

{"command": "configure", "params": {"mode": 0}}


A dictionary of the current status can be requested with the status command. The following status items are included in response:




The version number of the application


The duration of the most recent process that changed the attenuation (us)


The elapsed time between the most recent process and the preceding one (us)


The frame number of the most recently received data message


The frame number of the most recently received data message that caused the attenuation to change


The elapsed time since a message was last received


The currently demanded attenuation level


The current state - 0: Idle, 1: Waiting, 2: Active, 3: Timeout, 4: Singleshot Complete

For example:

{"command": "status"}

Readbacks for config items are included in the response with the same keys as in the config command request.

Timeout State#

If frames are not received for 3 seconds while in the ACTIVE state then the TIMEOUT state is triggered. When this happens maximum attenuation is set and any further data messages are ignored. The clear_timeout command must be sent, which will clear the error and change the state to WAITING.

This logic is a failsafe to minimise the time that attenuation is kept below the maximum without receiving data messages to continually confirm that the attenuation is safe.

Singleshot Mode#

If the system is put into SINGLESHOT mode, maximum attenuation is set and the WAITING state is entered until data messages are received on the subscribe channel. Once data messages start, the system adjusts attenuation as normal until a message is received that does not cause an adjustment. At this point the attenuation level is considered stable and the SINGLESHOT_COMPELETE state is entered, which pauses the adjustment at the current attenuation level without timing out. Max attenuation will only be set at the beginning of the first run, or if an error state is entered. Between runs, the attenuation will be kept at the previously stable value.

This mode allows higher level software to use the automatic attenuation to optimise the attenuation level and then capture a single optimal image at that attenuation.

Data Channel#

The application will subscribe on the endpoints given in the CLI parameters. Messages of the following form are expected on these channels:

    "frame_number": 0,
    "parameters": {
        "low2": 4,
        "low1": 10,
        "high1": 17,
        "high2": 3,
        "high3": 1

The pixel_count_thresholds for each of these bins determine the action taken for received data messages. The low thresholds are triggered if there are not enough pixels above the given value, while the high thresholds are triggered if there are too many.

Any messages with a frame_number less than last_processed_frame will be ignored - because it is too late to correct for them - as will frames equal to last_processed_frame + 1 - because the change from the previous message will not have taken effect yet and adjusting for the subsequent message would be correcting a second time for the same event.

Event Stream Channel#

For each successfully processed data message, an event message will be published on the event stream channel. The channel will be bound to the publish port given in the CLI parameters. The messages will be of the form (where frame 6 caused an adjustment of -1):

    "frame_number": 6,
    "adjustment": 0,
    "attenuation": 5
    "frame_number": 7,
    "adjustment": -1,
    "attenuation": 4

It is intended for a higher-level application to subscribe to these events in order to record the the active attenuation level for each frame and whether the adjustment triggered. The adjustment and attenuation of frame N+1 will be that which resulted from processing frame N. A non-zero adjustment for frame N+1 means the attenuation was not optimal for frame N and will be changed during the exposure of frame N+1, which means data analysis needs to ignore the data from that frame because it is undefined what the exposure was.

Motion Program#

The motion program simply commands two moves in quick succession, with a timer to estimate how long the moves took. The first move will demand the filters 1, 2, 3, 4 to the positions stored in P407{1,2,3,4} and for the second move P408{1,2,3,4}. These values are written to by the pmacFilterControl application before running the program. The time elapsed is stored in P4085.