I24 Serial Crystallography ========================== Documentation is split into four categories, and each is also accessible from links in the side-bar. .. grid:: 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`map;3em` .. toctree:: :caption: Project Planning :maxdepth: 1 project-planning/roadmap +++ Documentation of project progress and todos. .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`task;3em` .. toctree:: :caption: How-to Guides :maxdepth: 1 how-to/environment-setup how-to/run-a-collection how-to/stage-pmac-moves +++ Practical step-by-step guides for day-to-day dev tasks. .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`apartment;3em` .. toctree:: :caption: Explanations :maxdepth: 1 explanations/decisions +++ Explanations of how and why the architecture is why it is. .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`description;3em` .. toctree:: :caption: Reference :maxdepth: 1 +++ Technical reference material on standards in use. .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`directions_run;3em` .. toctree:: :caption: Tutorials :maxdepth: 1 +++ Tutorials for getting up and running as a developer.