Set up for serial experiments on I24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To set up an enviroment to run the serial crystallography collection scripts, please follow the instructions in :doc:`../../general/how-to/get-started`. Once this is done, the environment can be started by running: .. code:: bash cd /path/to/mx-bluesky source .venv/bin/activate On beamline I24, the package will be saved in ``/dls_sw/i24/software/bluesky``. Deploying a local version of the EDM screens ============================================ Every time a change is made to the template EDM screens saved in the repo, a new set should be deployed to the beamline ot to the ``dev`` environment to get the update. The ```` will create a local copy of the all EDM screens - both for a fixed target and for a serial jet collection - in a ``edm_serial/`` directory with all the shell commands pointing to the correct scripts/edm locations. .. code:: bash ./path/to/mx-bluesky/deploy/ Setting the current visit directory =================================== A new visit directory might need to be set before every user or commissioning beamtime. This can be done by a member of the beamline staff by modifying the file ``/dls_sw/i24/etc/ssx_current_visit.txt`` to point to the current visit and then running the command: .. code:: bash ./path/to/mx-bluesky/src/mx_bluesky/i24/serial/ Note that the default experiment type for the script setting the directory will be ``fixed-target``. In case of an extruder collection, to set the correct visit PV the experiment type should be modified from the command line. .. code:: bash ./path/to/mx-bluesky/src/mx_bluesky/i24/serial/ extruder