
Modules for phase retrieval and phase-contrast enhancement

httomolib.prep.phase.paganin_filter(tomo: <Mock name='mock.ndarray' id='140216232299248'>, pixel_size: float = 0.0001, dist: float = 50.0, energy: float = 53.0, alpha: float = 0.001) <Mock name='mock.ndarray' id='140216232299248'>[source]#

Perform single-material phase retrieval from flats/darks corrected tomographic measurements.

  • tomo (np.ndarray) – 3D array of f/d corrected tomographic projections.

  • pixel_size (float, optional) – Detector pixel size in cm.

  • dist (float, optional) – Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm.

  • energy (float, optional) – Energy of incident wave in keV.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Regularization parameter, the ratio of delta/beta. Larger values lead to more smoothing.


The 3D array of Paganin phase-filtered projection images.

Return type
