Run under conda#
This tutorial takes you through the steps to run the echolocator back-end and gui from a conda environment.
start the conda environment
module purge (or even better, start with a new login shell) module load xchem/echolocator/edge/conda
you should see something like this:
Echolocator is loaded. Components are... { "versions": { "echolocator_cli": "1.4.1", "echolocator_lib": "1.4.1", ... and more } }
get tutorial configuration file
cd <some_scratch_directory> curl --silent >tutorial.yaml
start the services
export ECHOLOCATOR_CONFIGFILE=tutorial.yaml echolocator_start
you should see something like this
<some lines about database files> starting web gui, please browse to http://<hostname>:<port>/index.html
display the gui
browse to <the url just given> you should intially see the Image List tab with an empty list click AUTO toggle in the upper left (so there is no strike-through on the text) now it will update when new images arrive
provide some images to be automatically collected
open another shell window cp -rv /dls_sw/apps/xchem/example_data/echolocator/example_images <some_scratch_directory> (the same as above)
view an image
Click on one of those in the list and the Image Details tab will open.
Click anywhere in the image to set the target location and advance to the next image.
Right-click to mark the image unusable, and advance to the next image.
Use the Next and Previous buttons on the page to traverse through the list.
stop the services
Type control-C in the shell window to stop the services