Source code for dodal.plans.data_session_metadata

from bluesky import plan_stubs as bps
from bluesky import preprocessors as bpp
from bluesky.utils import make_decorator

from dodal.common.beamlines import beamline_utils
from dodal.common.types import MsgGenerator, UpdatingPathProvider

DATA_SESSION = "data_session"
DATA_GROUPS = "data_groups"

[docs] def attach_data_session_metadata_wrapper( plan: MsgGenerator, provider: UpdatingPathProvider | None = None ) -> MsgGenerator: """ Attach data session metadata to the runs within a plan and make it correlate with an ophyd-async PathProvider. This updates the path provider (which in turn makes a call to to a service to figure out which scan number we are using for such a scan), and ensures the start document contains the correct data session. Args: plan: The plan to preprocess provider: The path provider that participating detectors are aware of. Returns: MsgGenerator: A plan Yields: Iterator[Msg]: Plan messages """ if provider is None: provider = beamline_utils.get_path_provider() yield from bps.wait_for([provider.update]) ress = yield from bps.wait_for([provider.data_session]) data_session = ress[0].result() # # As part of 452, write each dataCollection into their own folder, then can use resource_dir directly yield from bpp.inject_md_wrapper(plan, md={DATA_SESSION: data_session})
attach_data_session_metadata_decorator = make_decorator( attach_data_session_metadata_wrapper )