Getting Started =============== The Purpose of Dodal -------------------- ``dodal`` provides set of ophyd_ devices and bluesky_ plans that are commonly useful across many beamlines at DLS. If you have some code that you think would be useful to be added please do so! Using Devices ------------- ``dodal`` contains devices to cover anything you would like to do using a beamline's hardware. To use these devices you can do the following:: from dodal.beamlines import i03 dcm = i03.dcm() # You can now use the DCM as you would any other device in Bluesky plans If you are on a beamline workstation this will give you immediate access to the real hardware. If you are not on a beamline workstation it will default to connecting to a simulated instrument. Adding Logging -------------- ``dodal`` provides some helper functions to help you log what's going on. You can set these up using:: from dodal.beamlines import i03 from dodal.log import set_up_logging_handlers, LOGGER set_up_logging_handlers() Some logging will now occur when you are using devices/plans, you can increase the amount of logs by instead using ``set_up_logging_handlers("DEBUG")``. You can also log more explicitly using::"I am a log message") If you are on a beamline workstation this will save any logs to ``dls_sw/BEAMLINE/logs/bluesky/`` and will push them to graylog_. If you are not on a beamline workstation logs will be saved next to your working directory and pushed to a local graylog instance. If you would like to only log to graylog/file exlusively there are helper functions in ``dodal.log`` that you can use. .. _ophyd: .. _bluesky: .. _graylog: