Source code for dodal.beamlines.i23

from dodal.common.beamlines.beamline_utils import device_instantiation
from dodal.common.beamlines.beamline_utils import set_beamline as set_utils_beamline
from dodal.devices.oav.pin_image_recognition import PinTipDetection
from dodal.log import set_beamline as set_log_beamline
from dodal.utils import get_beamline_name, get_hostname, skip_device

BL = get_beamline_name("i23")

def _is_i23_machine():
    Devices using PVA can only connect from i23 machines, due to the absence of
    PVA gateways at present.
    hostname = get_hostname()
    return hostname.startswith("i23-ws") or hostname.startswith("i23-control")

[docs] @skip_device(lambda: not _is_i23_machine()) def oav_pin_tip_detection( wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False ) -> PinTipDetection: """Get the i23 OAV pin-tip detection device""" return device_instantiation( PinTipDetection, "pin_tip_detection", "-DI-OAV-01:", wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim, )