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Entity Envelope

The root fields apiVersion, kind, metadata, and spec are part of the envelope, defining the overall structure of all kinds of entity. Likewise, some metadata fields like name, labels, and annotations are of special significance and have reserved purposes and distinct shapes.

apiVersion [Required]

The apiVersion is the version of specification format for that particular entity that the specification is made against. The version is used for being able to evolve the format and to distinguish them from other types of object that share the same type of structure - e.g. Kubernetes object manifests.

At present all entity descriptors should be given an apiVersion of This will change as backstage develops or if we choose to add custom entity kinds to the portal.

kind [Required]

The kind is the high level entity type being described. The available kinds are enumerated in the entity types reference.

metadata [Required]

A structure that contains metadata about the entity, i.e. things that aren't directly part of the entity specification itself. See the entity metadata reference for more details about this structure.

spec [Required]

The actual specification data that describes the entity.

The precise structure of the spec depends on the apiVersion and kind combination, and some kinds may not even have a spec at all. See individual entity references for the specification structure of specific kinds.