REST Specification#
Blueapi runs a FastAPI server through which the blueapi worker can be interacted with. Here the openapi schema documents all possible endpoints of this server.
- GET /devices#
Get Devices
Retrieve information about all available devices.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
- GET /devices/{name}#
Get Device By Name
Retrieve information about a devices by its (unique) name.
- Parameters:
name (string)
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- DELETE /environment#
Delete Environment
Delete the current environment, causing internal components to be reloaded.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
- GET /environment#
Get Environment
Get the current state of the environment, i.e. initialization state.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
- GET /plans#
Get Plans
Retrieve information about all available plans.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
- GET /plans/{name}#
Get Plan By Name
Retrieve information about a plan by its (unique) name.
- Parameters:
name (string)
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- GET /tasks#
Get Tasks
Retrieve tasks based on their status. The status of a newly created task is ‘unstarted’.
- Query Parameters:
task_status ({'string', 'null'})
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- POST /tasks#
Submit Task
Submit a task to the worker.
- Status Codes:
201 Created – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- DELETE /tasks/{task_id}#
Delete Submitted Task
- Parameters:
task_id (string)
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- GET /tasks/{task_id}#
Get Task
Retrieve a task
- Parameters:
task_id (string)
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- PUT /worker/state#
Set State
Request that the worker is put into a particular state. Returns the state of the worker at the end of the call.
The following transitions are allowed and return 202: Accepted
If the worker is PAUSED, new_state may be RUNNING to resume.
- If the worker is RUNNING, new_state may be PAUSED to pause:
If defer is False (default): pauses and rewinds to the previous checkpoint
If defer is True: waits until the next checkpoint to pause
If the task has no checkpoints, the task will instead be Aborted
- If the worker is RUNNING/PAUSED, new_state may be STOPPING to stop.
Stop marks any currently open Runs in the Task as a success and ends the task.
- If the worker is RUNNING/PAUSED, new_state may be ABORTING to abort.
Abort marks any currently open Runs in the Task as a Failure and ends the task. - If reason is set, the reason will be passed as the reason for the Run failure.
All other transitions return 400: Bad Request
- Status Codes:
202 Accepted – Successful Response
400 Bad Request – Bad Request
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- PUT /worker/task#
Set Active Task
Set a task to active status, the worker should begin it as soon as possible. This will return an error response if the worker is not idle.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
409 Conflict – Conflict
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error