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Organisational Policy

A baseline organisational policy is made available for use in your OPA instances, it aims to implement agreed upon Authorization practices for common queries, these include:

Additioanlly, Token Verification is implemented in the data.diamond.policy.token.verify function.

Proposal Access

Queried via data.diamond.policy.proposal.access_proposal

The proposal access function allows you to determine if a given Subject is permitted to access a given Proposal. Access is permitted if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The Subject has the super_admin attribute
  • The Subject is a member of the Proposal

To make a decision the following inputs must be supplied:

  • subject: The Subject making the request request. The Subject identifier can be attained via Token Verification.
  • proposal_number: The proposal number, as an unsigned integer


Subject attributes and Proposal membership are supplied by the Diamond Data Bundle.

Session Access

Queried via data.diamond.policy.session.access_session

The session access function allows you to determine if a given Subject is permitted to access a given beamline Session. Access is permitted if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The Subject has the super_admin attribute
  • The Subject is a member of the Proposal which this Session belongs to
  • The Subject is a member of the Session
  • The Subject has a beamline admin attribute (e.g. b07_admin) which corresponds to the beamline on which the Session took place
  • The Subject has a science group admin attribute (e.g. mx_admin) which corresponds to the science group of the beamline on which the Session took place

To make a decision the following inputs must be supplied:

  • subject: The Subject making the request request. The Subject identifier can be attained via Token Verification.
  • proposal_number: The proposal number, as an unsigned integer
  • visit_number: The visit number, as an unsigned integer


Subject attributes, Session membership, and Proposal membership are supplied by the Diamond Data Bundle.

Subject Claims

Queried via

The token claims object allows you to access the claims of a user token - providing it is valid. This is performed by verifying the signature of the token against a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS), and is compatible with