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Integrate with Python


This guide will explain how to delegate authorization decisions to OPA from a Python application via the OPA REST API.


This guide assumes you have deployed an OPA instance with a system package as described in the policy writing guide - see the Helm or docker-compose deployment guide for instructions on OPA deployment.


We will use the following dependencies:

  • requests as our HTTP client.
  • pydantic to provide type safe struct and enum (de)serialization.


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Serializing Input Data

OPA expects a JSON object as it's input, with the exact fields depending on the policy being involked - we will assume our policy requires a subject name, an action which is either "read" or "write" and an item_id. This can therefore be represented as a pydatnic BaseModel which consists of the required fields - where the action is represented by the Action Enum.

from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Action(Enum):
    Read = "read"
    Write = "write"

class Input(BaseModel):
    subject: str
    action: Action
    item_id: int

We can now create an instance of this input as so:

opa_input = Input(subject="bob", action=Action.Read, item_id=42)

Making the Request

We will use requests to POST to the opa root path - shown henceforth as http://opa:8181/. To do this we will simply call with the OPA root query URL; we will serialize the input as json using the model_dump_json method and pass it to the optional body argument.

response ="http://opa:8181/", data=opa_input.model_dump_json())


We are assuming the response will be OK (200). In a real application, you should check the response.code and handle such cases appropriately.

Interpreting the Decision

OPA returns a decision as a JSON object, with the exact fields depending on the policy being involked - we will assume our policy returns only an allow boolean. This can therefore be represented as the pydantic BaseModel Decision, which contains the allow field.

class Decision(BaseModel):
    allow: bool

We can now deserialize the response of OPA using the model_validate_json method on the Decision class with the response text as the argument:

decision = Decision.model_validate_json(response.text)

Finally, we can access the allow field of the decision and print it to stdout:

print(f"Allowed: {decision.allow}")

Complete Code

import requests
from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Action(Enum):
    Read = "read"
    Write = "write"

class Input(BaseModel):
    subject: str
    action: Action
    item_id: int

class Decision(BaseModel):
    allow: bool

if __name__ == "__main__":
    opa_input = Input(subject="bob", action=Action.Read, item_id=42)

    response ="http://opa:8181/", data=opa_input.model_dump_json())

    decision = Decision.model_validate_json(response.text)
    print(f"Allowed: {decision.allow}")