Source code for adcorr.sequences.pauw

from typing import TypeVar

from numpy import bool_, dtype, floating, ndarray, number

from ..corrections import (
from ..utils.typing import (

[docs] def pauw_instrumental_background_sequence( frames: Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]], mask: Frame[FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[bool_]], count_times: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[floating]], incident_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[number]], transmitted_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[number]], minimum_pulse_separation: float, minimum_arrival_separation: float, base_dark_current: float, temporal_dark_current: float, flux_dependant_dark_current: float, beam_center_pixels: tuple[float, float], pixel_sizes: tuple[float, float], sample_detector_separation: float, ) -> Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]]: """Applies a sequence of corrections to correct for instrumental background. Applies an ordered sequence of corrections to correct for instrumental background, as detailed as Process A in section 2 of 'The modular small-angle X-ray scattering data correction sequence' []. Args: frames: A sequence of frames, on which the series of corrections should be applied. mask: The boolean mask to apply to each frame. count_times: The period over which photons are counted for each frame in the sequence, or a single value which is applied to all frames in the sequence. incident_flux: The flux intensity observed upstream of the sample. transmitted_flux: The flux intensity observed downstream of the sample. minimum_pulse_separation: The minimum time difference required between a prior pulse and the current pulse for the current pulse to be recorded correctly. minimum_arrival_separation: The minimum time difference required between the current pulse and a subsequent pulse for the current pulse to be recorded correctly. base_dark_current: The dark current flux, irrespective of time. temporal_dark_current: The dark current flux, as a factor of time. flux_dependant_dark_current: The dark current flux, as a factor of incident flux. beam_center_pixels: The center position of the beam in pixels. pixel_sizes: The real space size of a detector pixel. Returns: The corrected stack of frames. """ frames = mask_frames(frames, mask) frames = correct_deadtime( frames, count_times, minimum_pulse_separation, minimum_arrival_separation ) frames = correct_dark_current( frames, count_times, transmitted_flux, base_dark_current, temporal_dark_current, flux_dependant_dark_current, ) frames = normalize_frame_time(frames, count_times) frames = normalize_transmitted_flux(frames, transmitted_flux) frames = correct_self_absorption( frames, incident_flux, transmitted_flux, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation, ) return frames
#: The number of background frames in a stack of frames NumBackgrounds = TypeVar("NumBackgrounds", bound=int)
[docs] def pauw_simple_sample_sequence( frames: Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]], backgrounds: Frames[NumBackgrounds, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]], mask: Frame[FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[bool_]], flatfield: Frame[FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[floating]], frames_count_times: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[floating]], backgrounds_count_times: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumBackgrounds], dtype[floating]], frames_incident_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[number]], frames_transmitted_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[number]], background_incident_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumBackgrounds], dtype[number]], background_transmitted_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumBackgrounds], dtype[number]], minimum_pulse_separation: float, minimum_arrival_separation: float, base_dark_current: float, temporal_dark_current: float, flux_dependant_dark_current: float, beam_center_pixels: tuple[float, float], pixel_sizes: tuple[float, float], sample_detector_separation: float, sensor_absorption_coefficient: float, sample_thickness: float, sensor_thickness: float, beam_polarization: float, ) -> Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]]: """Applies an ordered sequence of corrections to frames containing a simple sample. Applies an ordered sequence of corrections to correct for instrumental and experiment backgrounds as detailed as Process B in section 2 of 'The modular small- angle X-ray scattering data correction sequence []. Args: frames: A sequence of frames, on which the series of corrections should be applied. backgrounds: A sequence of background frames, which should be subtracted from the foreground frames post correction. mask: The boolean mask to apply to each frame. flatfield: The multiplicative flatfield correction to be applied to detector readings. If None, a uniform flatfield of ones is applied, resulting in no change to the frame. frames_count_times: The period over which photons are counted for each frame in the frames sequence, or a single value which is applied to all frames in the sequence. backgrounds_count_times: The period over which photons are counted for each frame in the backgrounds sequence, or a single value which is applied to all frames in the sequence. frames_incident_flux: The flux intensity observed upstream of the sample for each frame in the frames sequence. frames_transmitted_flux: The flux intensity observed downstream of the sample for each frame in the frames sequence. background_incident_flux: The flux intensity observed upstream of the sample for each frame in the backgrounds sequence. background_transmitted_flux: The flux intensity observed downstream of the sample for each frame in the backgrounds sequence. minimum_pulse_separation: The minimum time difference required between a prior pulse and the current pulse for the current pulse to be recorded correctly. minimum_arrival_separation: The minimum time difference required between the current pulse and a subsequent pulse for the current pulse to be recorded correctly. base_dark_current: The dark current flux, irrespective of time. temporal_dark_current: The dark current flux, as a factor of time. flux_dependant_dark_current: The dark current flux, as a factor of incident flux. beam_center_pixels: The center position of the beam in pixels. pixel_sizes: The real space size of a detector pixel. sample_detector_separation: The distance between the detector and the sample. sensor_absorption_coefficient: The coefficient of absorption for a given detector head material at a given photon energy. sample_thickness: The thickness of the sample material. sensor_thickness: The thickness of the detector head material. beam_polarization: The fraction of incident radiation polarized in the horizontal plane, where 0.5 signifies an unpolarized source. Returns: The corrected stack of frames. """ frames = pauw_instrumental_background_sequence( frames, mask, frames_count_times, frames_incident_flux, frames_transmitted_flux, minimum_pulse_separation, minimum_arrival_separation, base_dark_current, temporal_dark_current, flux_dependant_dark_current, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation, ) backgrounds = pauw_instrumental_background_sequence( backgrounds, mask, backgrounds_count_times, background_incident_flux, background_transmitted_flux, minimum_pulse_separation, minimum_arrival_separation, base_dark_current, temporal_dark_current, flux_dependant_dark_current, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation, ) background = average_all_frames(backgrounds) frames = subtract_background(frames, background) frames = correct_flatfield(frames, flatfield) frames = correct_angular_efficiency( frames, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation, sensor_absorption_coefficient, sensor_thickness, ) frames = correct_solid_angle( frames, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation ) frames = correct_polarization( frames, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation, beam_polarization, ) frames = normalize_thickness(frames, sample_thickness) return frames
#: The number of dispersant frames in a stack of frames NumDispersants = TypeVar("NumDispersants", bound=int)
[docs] def pauw_dispersed_sample_sequence( frames: Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]], dispersants: Frames[NumDispersants, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]], backgrounds: Frames[NumBackgrounds, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]], mask: Frame[FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[bool_]], flatfield: Frame[FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[floating]], frame_count_times: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[floating]], dispersant_count_times: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumDispersants], dtype[floating]], background_count_times: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumBackgrounds], dtype[floating]], frames_incident_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[number]], frames_transmitted_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumFrames], dtype[number]], dispersant_incident_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumDispersants], dtype[number]], dispersant_transmitted_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumDispersants], dtype[number]], background_incident_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumBackgrounds], dtype[number]], background_transmitted_flux: ndarray[VectorOrSingle[NumBackgrounds], dtype[number]], minimum_pulse_separation: float, minimum_arrival_separation: float, base_dark_current: float, temporal_dark_current: float, flux_dependant_dark_current: float, beam_center_pixels: tuple[float, float], pixel_sizes: tuple[float, float], sample_detector_separation: float, sensor_absorption_coefficient: float, sample_thickness: float, sensor_thickness: float, beam_polarization: float, displaced_fraction: float, ) -> Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]]: """Applies a sequence of corrections to frames containing a dispersed sample. Applies an ordered sequence of corrections to correct for instrumental background, as detailed as Process C in section 2 of 'The modular small-angle X-ray scattering data correction sequence' []. Args: frames: A sequence of frames, on which the series of corrections should be applied. dispersants: A sequence of dispersant frames, which should be subtracted from the foreground frames following simple sample corrections. backgrounds: A sequence of background frames, which should be subtracted from the dispersant and foreground frames following instrumental background corrections. mask: The boolean mask to apply to each frame. flatfield: The multiplicative flatfield correction to be applied to detector readings. If None, a uniform flatfield of ones is applied, resulting in no change to the frame. frame_count_times: The period over which photons are counted for each frame in the frames sequence, or a single value which is applied to all frames in the sequence. dispersant_count_times: The period over which photons are counted for each frame in the despersants sequence, or a single value which is applied to all frames in the sequence. background_count_times: The period over which photons are counted for each frame in the backgrounds sequence, or a single value which is applied to all frames in the sequence. frames_incident_flux: The flux intensity observed upstream of the sample for each frame in the frames sequence. frames_transmitted_flux: The flux intensity observed downstream of the sample for each frame in the frames sequence. background_incident_flux: The flux intensity observed upstream of the sample for each frame in the backgrounds sequence. background_transmitted_flux: The flux intensity observed downstream of the sample for each frame in the backgrounds sequence. dispersants_incident_flux: The flux intensity observed upstream of the sample for each frame in the dispersants sequence. dispersants_transmitted_flux: The flux intensity observed downstream of the sample for each frame in the dispersants sequence. minimum_pulse_separation: The minimum time difference required between a prior pulse and the current pulse for the current pulse to be recorded correctly. minimum_arrival_separation: The minimum time difference required between the current pulse and a subsequent pulse for the current pulse to be recorded correctly. base_dark_current: The dark current flux, irrespective of time. temporal_dark_current: The dark current flux, as a factor of time. flux_dependant_dark_current: The dark current flux, as a factor of incident flux. beam_center_pixels: The center position of the beam in pixels. pixel_sizes: The real space size of a detector pixel. sample_detector_separation: The distance between the detector and the sample. sensor_absorption_coefficient: The coefficient of absorption for a given detector head material at a given photon energy. sample_thickness: The thickness of the sample material. sensor_thickness: The thickness of the detector head material. beam_polarization: The fraction of incident radiation polarized in the horizontal plane, where 0.5 signifies an unpolarized source. displaced_fraction: The fraction of solvent displaced by the analyte. Returns: The corrected stack of frames. """ frames = pauw_simple_sample_sequence( frames, backgrounds, mask, flatfield, frame_count_times, background_count_times, frames_incident_flux, frames_transmitted_flux, background_incident_flux, background_transmitted_flux, minimum_pulse_separation, minimum_arrival_separation, base_dark_current, temporal_dark_current, flux_dependant_dark_current, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation, sensor_absorption_coefficient, sample_thickness, sensor_thickness, beam_polarization, ) dispersants = pauw_simple_sample_sequence( dispersants, backgrounds, mask, flatfield, dispersant_count_times, background_count_times, dispersant_incident_flux, dispersant_transmitted_flux, background_incident_flux, background_transmitted_flux, minimum_pulse_separation, minimum_arrival_separation, base_dark_current, temporal_dark_current, flux_dependant_dark_current, beam_center_pixels, pixel_sizes, sample_detector_separation, sensor_absorption_coefficient, sample_thickness, sensor_thickness, beam_polarization, ) dispersants = correct_displaced_volume(dispersants, displaced_fraction) dispersant = average_all_frames(dispersants) frames = subtract_background(frames, dispersant) return frames