Source code for adcorr.corrections.polarization

from typing import Tuple, cast

from numpy import cos, dtype, floating, number, sin, square

from ..utils.geometry import azimuthal_angles, scattering_angles
from ..utils.typing import FrameHeight, Frames, FrameWidth, NumFrames

[docs] def correct_polarization( frames: Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[number]], beam_center: Tuple[float, float], pixel_sizes: Tuple[float, float], distance: float, horizontal_poarization: float = 0.5, ) -> Frames[NumFrames, FrameWidth, FrameHeight, dtype[floating]]: """Corrects for the effect of polarization of the incident beam. Corrects for the effect of polarization of the incident beam, as detailed in section 3.4.1 of 'Everything SAXS: small-angle scattering pattern collection and correction' []. Args: frames: A stack of frames to be corrected. beam_center: The center position of the beam in pixels. pixel_sizes: The real space size of a detector pixel. distance: The distance between the detector and the sample. horizontal_poarization: The fraction of incident radiation polarized in the horizontal plane, where 0.5 signifies an unpolarized source. Defaults to 0.5. Returns: The corrected stack of frames. """ if horizontal_poarization < 0.0 or horizontal_poarization > 1.0: raise ValueError("Horizontal Polarization must be within the interval [0, 1].") scattering = scattering_angles( cast(tuple[int, int], frames.shape[-2:]), beam_center, pixel_sizes, distance ) azimuths = azimuthal_angles( cast(tuple[int, int], frames.shape[-2:]), beam_center, pixel_sizes ) correction_factors = horizontal_poarization * ( 1.0 - square(sin(azimuths) * sin(scattering)) ) + (1.0 - horizontal_poarization) * (1.0 - square(cos(azimuths) * sin(scattering))) return frames * correction_factors